
Supporting mothers with new and innovative products. Sunshine Coast supplier of the SUPPORi baby sling, Milk Bands and more! Website

Hi my name is Bec and I am the owner and operator of Close2Baby. As a mum I know how important it is to have great, innovative products to assist in the day-to-day duties associated with raising kids!

After discovering the amazing SUPPORi baby sling I just knew I had to share it with friends and family. The response was unanimous – The SUPPORi was without a doubt the easiest to use baby sling we had ever used, and for many of us who had long suffered back and neck problems, the SUPPORi provided the much needed comfort and support that other more expensive slings and carriers did not.

I knew that I had to share this innovative product with more than just my immediate circle of friends, therefore Close2Baby was born and we are now one of the first stockists in Australia of this fantastic product and others equally as innovative.

Close2Baby is your one-stop-shop for the newest and most innovative products to support mums on their parenting journey! Have a browse through our webstore
